Converter of Temperature

Converter of units of Temperature

The temperature is a magnitude referred to the common notions of heat measurable by using a thermometer. In physics, is defined as a scalar quantity related to the internal energy of a system thermodynamic, defined by the principle zero of the thermodynamics.

The Temperature is a property of matter that is related to the sensation of heat or cold that you feel in contact with her. When we touch a body that is at less temperature than our own that we feel a sensation of cold, and the reverse of heat. However, even if they have a close relationship, we must not confuse temperature with heat.

When two bodies that are at different temperatures, are brought into contact, there is a transfer of energy, in the form of heat, from the hot body to the cold, this happens until the temperatures of both bodies are equal. In this sense, the temperature is an indicator of the direction that takes the energy in their transit of some bodies to others.

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The instrument usually used to measure temperature is the thermometer. Thermometers liquid enclosed in glass are the most popular; it is based on the property that has the mercury, and other substances (alcohol, colouring, etc), expand when the temperature increases. The liquid is housed in a bubble-bulb - connected to a capillary (tube is fine). When the temperature increases, the liquid expands through the capillary, so small changes in volume are clearly visible.


Currently, we use three scales to measure the temperature, the scale Celsius is the one that we are all accustomed to use, the Fahrenheit is used in the anglo-saxon countries and the scale Kelvin for scientific use.

Units of Temperature

  • Degrees Celsius
  • Degrees Fahrenheit
  • Kelvin

You can perform the following conversions of units Temperature from our online tool. Recommend this tool, very soon we will add more units of Temperature.

Convert Degrees Celsius to ...

Convert Degrees Fahrenheit to ...

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