Converter of Mass

Converter of units of Mass

In physics, the mass it is a measure of the amount of matter that has a body . It is an extrinsic property of bodies that determines the measure of the inertial mass and gravitational mass. The unit used to measure the mass in the International System of Units is the kilogram (kg). It is a scalar .

In the metric system, the units used to measure the mass are usually g , kilograms or mg . Although the fundamental unit of mass is the kilogram, the decimal multiples system was established from Gram:

1 kg = 1,000 grams

Units of Mass

  • Grams
  • Kilograms
  • Pounds
  • Ounces

You can perform the following conversions of units Mass from our online tool. Recommend this tool, very soon we will add more units of Mass.

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