Converter of units and currencies

Units and currency converter

  • Converter of units of length

    The length is the physical quantity that determines the distance, i.e., the amount of space between two points. The length is one of the physical quantities as fundamental, in so much that cannot be defined in terms of other quantities that can be measured. In many systems of measurement, the length is a magnitude fundamental, of which derive others.

  • Converter of units of mass

    In physics, mass is a measure of the amount of matter that possesses a body. A property is extrinsic of the bodies that determines the extent of the inertial mass and the mass gravitational. The unit used to measure mass in the International System of Units is the kilogram (kg). It is a scalar quantity.

  • Converter of units of area

    The area is a measure of extension of a surface, expressed in units of measurement called units of surface. The area is a concept metric which requires that the space where it is defined to specify a measure.

  • Converter of temperature units

    The temperature is a magnitude referred to the common notions of heat measurable by a thermometer. In physics, is defined as a scalar quantity related to the internal energy of a system thermodynamic, defined by the principle zero of the thermodynamics.

  • Currency converter

    The coin is a piece of gold, silver, or other metal, with disc-shaped and coined with various reasons to prove their value and legitimacy, is used as a medium of exchange, an instrument of direct acquisition or through hoarding of wealth.

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